Let's talk about Bitcoin
and Real Estate
Ten - X Investments is a private investment portfolio that’s focus is transacting long and short trades on Bitcoin’s block chain.
Using 90+ years of trading expertise in the public trading markets our long-short “trading style“ allows our traders to generate profits in extremely volatile bitcoin markets.
From time to time 10 - X also participates in the highly lucrative multi - family housing markets.Our fund can offer our investors a straight Dividend return of 3, 4 or 5% when available.
Dividends are distributed to its members through a special (Class B ) offering several times per year when an extremely undervalued property is isolated by our team.
Ten X Investments is not a broker dealer. Client understands that Crypto currency is a high-risk investments. Crypto currencies have a high rate volatility. Crypto currencies are not FDIC insured. The lock up period is 24 months from the date of investment it should be highlighted. Net to the minimum investment. Also change the minimum investment to 50,000.